About our program
What does a certified Anger Management Educator do?
An Anger Management educator teaches principals of anger management to community
or professional groups. This might include martial arts programs, parenting classes,
outreach programs, summer camp programs for children and adolescents, mental hygiene
programs in schools, after school programs, marriage enrichment programs, gang prevention
outreach programs, senior citizens programs, driver education programs, driver-court
programs, training camps, workplace continuing education programs etc.
An Anger Management Educator is focused on prevention and early
intervention with high-risk individuals — and is prepared to teach
persons in a non-clinical setting how to deal with their angry feelings, as well
as the anger and aggression shown by others toward them. By learning and applying
the eight tools of anger control, students can, in turn, educate (by example) others
around them.
This is a brand new concept and the only such certification on the planet. It is
a trail-blazing concept wide in scope with the broader mission of promoting peace
and harmony among people as an alternative to conflict, aggression, hatred, and

Why should marital arts instructors become certified anger management educators?
Martial arts instructors teach their students techniques, methods, and/or attitudes
of self-defense –with the intent of helping them stay out of harm's way. Traditionally,
a good deal of self-defense training has resided in the realm of hand-to-hand combat;
however, in today's world, very few people will ever have to protect themselves
from physical attack. Anger, both personal –and from others –is something that everyone
has to face and the negative consequences of unrestrained and/or repressed anger
can be equal to or greater than any physical assault. Martial arts instructors must
teach anger management alongside the physical techniques of their art, to arm their
students with the mental, emotional, and physical skills they need to safely navigate
the world as it is today.
Anger management is a core ingredient to a meaningful and authentic self-defense
program, but until now, there hasn't been a program to teach martial arts instructors
how to weave the education into their curriculum. Now, the essentials of anger management
can be learned, easily, and then taught alongside the basic techniques of physical
The martial arts teacher who has completed our training is in a position to teach
preventative anger management. This is real self-defense; recognizing a potentially
dangerous situation and doing something about it before a problem occurs.
From a business point of view, it makes sense for the martial arts instructor to
be the hub of anger management education in their community. Anger management instruction
will be seen as a value-added benefit by community members. Part of our training
Marital Arts owners will be encouraged to network with other professionals in their
community which should promote cross-referrals as well as improved client care.

Why should other teachers become certified anger management educators?
Because teachers at all levels of our educational system are in a great position
to really make a difference in terms of teaching children and adults alike how to
better manage their feelings and handle stress. The skills learned in this program
will benefit children all their lives and help them become more effective and successful
human beings. Being certified will give teachers a structured and well-received
program that they can use in any instructional setting with children from ages 8-18
from diverse cultural backgrounds.
What background is required to become a certified Anger Management Educator:
An anger management educator does not have to have a professional background, but
many will. The main requirement is to be employed in a professional work setting
in which you have responsibility for teaching and educating.